To Sales entry or sale product Click on the "POS" button from the top header or expand the Sale Menu from the left sidebar after that click on the POS menu.
After clicking you will see an interface like below snapshot.
"Lets try to Sale a Single Product!"
To sell a product, click on an Item, after clicking that a popup modal will be shown.
Here you will see the current stock of this product, Select Employee from the employee field if this product sale employee-wise, Change the price if needed, LPP = Last Purchase Price of this product, WSP=Wholde Sale Price of this product, Increase Quantity if you need, enter discount if you have permission after that hit "Add To Cart" button to add this product in the cart.
After Clicking on the "Add to Cart" button Item will be added to the cart, After that Select Employee from the Employee field, and select Customer from the Customer field.
Total Item 1(1) means 1 Item 1 Quantity.
Click here to read about the Tax Setting article.
Click here to read the article on Discount Permission for Employee. How to give discoun?
Click here to read how rounding works on Total Payable?
Click on the "Payment" button for next Step.
In the finalized sale, you will see payment method options on the left side, select a payment method option from there, select amount by clicking denomination amount (Note: We have discuss Denomination breifly in dinomination article) or enter amont in Amount field and hit the Add Button
After clicking "Add" button payment added in payment section in my case I've select Bank, after that select Send Invoice Via SMS, Send Invoice Via Emal, Send Invoice Via Whatsapp as per your need and hit the submit button to Sale this product
After Sale Success you will get an invoice, according to printer setting
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