Employee Sale Report is a combination of multiple features, Depending on the type of business, there are two ways to select employees while selling products, One is for the entire invoice, and the other is for each individual product listed on the invoice.
How to select an employee on the entire invoice?
How to select one employee on each item?
Click on the marked space or pencil icon to set each item wise employee.
After clicking on the pencil icon you will see a modal.
Then select an employee from the modal.
Difference between invoice-based employee and item-based employee selection. Here on the left, an employee is selected on the invoice, and on the right the employee is selected per product.
To view the "Employee Sale Report" expand the "Report" menu from the left sidebar and click on the "Employee Sale Report" menu.
Select a date to view the report within a specified date if needed. select an employee from the employee field, select outlet from the outlet field to filter report according to outlet.
Select the "Sale Wise" option to view the invoice wise employee report as described above.
Select the "Item Wise" option to view the item wise employee report as described above.
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