Discount for an Item in POS Item Modal
If you click on the product on which the Promotion and Discount has been given, its title will be shown in the modal.
Earlier you saw that 50% discount was given on this product.
Discount for an Item in POS Item Cart
Discount on entire sale in POS
First, add the product to the cart.
Then click on the marked place to apply the coupon discount.
Then enter the coupon code and click the submit button, then you will see that the discount will be applied on each item.
Here you will see that 7% discount has been applied on each product, which we have already shown by creating discounts.
Free Item in POS Item Modal
If you click on a product that has a buy and get offer on it, you will see a title like this on the modal.
You will see here that buy 5 products get one item free.
You may have seen earlier that we have created a free item promotion where buying 5 Coca-Cola you will get 1 Coca-Cola free.
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