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A Product Profit Report is a document that provides a summary of the financial performance of individual products or product lines within a business.
To view the Product Profit Report expand the Report Menu from the left sidebar and click on Product Profit Report. select a date to view the report within a specified date if needed. select an item from the item field, select your costing method.
Whit is AVG Costing of Last 3 Purchase ?
If the item is purchased before then the system will calculate the average of the last 3 purchases and that will be the Unit Price but if there are only 2 purchases there, the system will calculate the average of that two, or if there is only one purchase, the system will consider that purchase price as Unit Price.
Loat Purchase Price ?
In retail business the current market price is usually considered as the product price and the costing should price should be depended on that. So retailers usually considers Last Purchase Price as the product cost. To choose this option please make sure all products has at least one purchase or it has purchase price set when it was added.
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In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content. Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.