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Add Purchase Return IMEI

To "Purchase Return" an IMEI product, click on the "Purchase Return" menu from the left sidebar and click on the "Add Purchase Return" menu.


First select the supplier.

Then select Status, Here stocks and accounts work differently based on status.

If you select status "Taken by supplier product not returned" the product will be removed from the stock and there will be no change in the account.

If you select status "Taken by supplier money returned" the product will be removed from the stock and Money will be added to the account.

If you select status "Taken by supplier product returned" There will be no change in stock and account.


While making the purchase return, when the "Status" is taken by supplier money return, you will get an "Account" field, from the account field select an account through which the "Purchase Return" money is being taken.


Expand the "Items" field and select a "IMEI Type Product" In my case "Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 (4G)" is a IMEI Type Product.


After selecting IMEI product you will get a popup modal, Enter the purchase price in the Unit Price field.

Suppose you want to purchase return 3 pieces of IMEI product whose price per piece is 8950 amount, for 2 pieces of IMEI product just put 8950 amount only in the unit field not 17900 amount.

NB: You just put the single unit price of the product.

NB: The purchase return quantity must be entered in the sale unit.

Enter the quantity in the Quantity field for how many IMEIs you want to purchase return, below field will be generated according to quantity number. Enter the IMEI number in the IMEI field. Then click the Add to Cart button to add these items to the cart.


To increase the new IMEI field click on the plus button.


After adding the products to the cart, the cart will look like the snapshot below.


In the snapshot below you can see that there is another "Return IMEI" field below the "IMEI" field. This means getting another "IMEI" instead of the one you are returning.

Note that this field is visible only when the "Status" is "Taken by supplier product returned" otherwise it is not visible.


Fill up the required field, After that hit the "Submit" button to save this purchase return.

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