For Payment Gateway Settings go to “Payment Setting” from the left sidebar “Setting” menu.
First create a sslcommerz, paypal and stripe sandbox account.
To create sslcommerz sandbox visit :
To create paypal sandbox visit :
To create stripe sandbox visit:
From the account collect your Client ID and Client Secret. Put sandbox credentials in sandbox mode and live credentials for Live mode.
For SMS gateway settings go to the "Setting" menu and click on "SMS Setting" from the left sidebar.
First create an account on Mobishatra or Nexmo or Twilio. Fetch your profile information from the provider account. Set information and click on "Update" button.
To create mobishastra account visit:
To create nexmo account visit:
To create twilio account visit:
This setting is applicable to send sms.
To add weekends go to the "Setting" menu from the left sidebar and click on "Weekends". Select weekends days and time and click on the "Submit" button.
When a plan will be added for a child and any schedule like Therapy or Education is found on these weekends, the system will show an error message.
For the vacation list go to the "Setting" menu from left sidebar and click on "Vacation".
To add a new vacation click on the "Add Vacation" button. Type vacation title, start date, end date and click on the "Submit" button.
When a plan will be added for a child and any schedule like Therapy or Education is found in these vacation days the system will show an error message.
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