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Create New Plan For Therapy and Schooling

What is a therapy and schooling plan, and what is the purpose of a therapy and schooling plan section?

"Therapies" refers to various treatments and techniques for children with developmental disabilities. These therapies aim to enhance the child's growth and development. In the context of special education, therapy may include services such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, behavioral therapy, and counseling, among others. 

To create a plan for a child first go to “Child List” from the left sidebar “Child” menu. Then click on “Plans” from the child list action section. All the plans for this child will be displayed there.

From the plan list page click on “Add New Plan”.

The plan create page will be open like bellow -

Here first write your plan title and plan date range (Start date and end date). Check the goals and write additional notes if you have any. Check the plan for the section (for which you are creating the plan) like Therapy or Education or Both. Then add therapy, education plan and evaluation dates.

You have to remember -

  • The system will display an error if already a plan exists for this child on your selected date range.
  • All therapy,education and evaluation date should not be out of range (pre selected start date and end date).
  • The therapy, education and evaluations date should not be on holidays or vacations.

Set per therapy fee and monthly education fee. Select your plan status. If you set status as “Final” You can't edit it later.

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