Sales in the manufacturing software allows you to manage sales activities, track sales performance, and manage customer relationships.
To add sales go to the Sales menu from the left sidebar and click on "Add Sales".
Select a product from the dropdown then form will be populated with product rate. Enter quantity. You can add multiple product to the sales.
If Product is Batch Control then you can input quantity for each batch.
Note: If the product is marked as expired, the product stock will be automatically reduced based on the expiry date.
After add all product click on the "Submit" button. Then you will be redirected to the sales list page.
For Edit Sales click on the "Edit" icon from the action column. Edit Icon not show if sale status is Final
After click edit button a form will be shown with product and product rate. Change if you want and click on the "Submit" button.
For view sales details click on the "View" icon from the action column.
In about sales details you can see sales details.
For Print Challan click on the "Print" icon from the action column.
For Download Challan click on the "Download" icon from the action column.
For Download Invoice click on the "Download" icon from the action column.
For Delete Sales click on the "Delete" icon from the action column. Delete Icon not show if sale status is Final
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