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Change Password Set Security Question and Forgot Password

Change Password

To change your password, please follow these instructions.

Go to the User profile section from the right top bar and click on “Change Password”.

Now enter your old password then enter a new password and type confirm password. Click on the "Submit" button to change your password


Set Security Question

Please set a security question on your site by following the below instructions. So that you can reset your password in case you forget it. Also if you are a newly added user, you will need to set a security question for you.

Go to the User profile section from the right top bar and click on “Set Security Question”.

Click the "Question" drop-down and select any of the security questions. Enter the answer to the question. Click on the "Submit" button to save it.


Forgot Password

In case you forgot your password, you can set a new password without any email or verification, you just need to follow some steps with the security question that you set before from the admin panel.

Click "Forgot Password?"

STEP 1: You need to enter your email address to check that your "Email Address" is registered in the system and click on “Submit”.

If you entered a valid email address system will redirect to the next step.

Step 2: Here you need to select your previous set security question and answer then click on submit again for the next step if both are correct.

Step 3: Enter your new password and confirm password and click on the “SUBMIT” button then the system will redirect in the login page.

Now enter your email and newly created password to login.

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